Oct 132011

[photo-potato and tomato onion fish soup]

With a fish craze lately, I was at my local 99 Ranch Asian supermarket eying out what fresh fish they had.  The fish fad was prompted by my recent milky white Bok Choy Fish Head Tofu Soup (白菜魚頭豆腐湯).  It was so delicious and so easy to make that I really wanted to make and share another fish soup recipe with you.  Besides, fish is so healthy for us.  They are a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids that are so essential to the healthy function of our brain and heart.  Fish is also a great source of other nutrients and minerals like vitamins D and B, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. You can read more on the health benefits of fish at the Washington State Department of Health website.

[photo-potato and tomato onion fish soup with ingredients]

Potato and Tomato Onion Fish Soup

Luckily for me, not only was I able to find a fresh fish at 99 Ranch, I was also inspired by the fishmonger to make this Potato and Tomato Onion Fish Soup (薯仔蕃茄洋蔥魚湯).  At the seafood department, the familiar fishmonger pointed out a few fresh fish of the day.  Of the ones highlighted, one yellow cod fish head stood out to me.  Leaning left and right in front of this particular fish head, I could observe from the sheen and gill colors that it was indeed very fresh (by the way, check out my secret to making a fish soup creamy white  post for tips on choosing a fresh fish at the market).  Knowing that I was interested in this fish head and that I love making soups, the fishmonger suggested cooking the fish with potatoes and tomatoes.  This idea instantly brought back memories of this Potato and Tomato Onion Fish Soup recipe that I love.

This soup is quick and easy to make.  It tastes wonderful and it is nourishing for the body.  The soup is neither heaty or cold in nature, making it a great soup for both young and old.  Traditionally, this soup is made with yellow onions.  But I opted use a red onion instead for its stronger cancer-fighting powers.  Red onions will make the soup color a little darker.  If you want this soup to turn out creamy white, use yellow onions instead.

[photo-ingredients for potato and tomato onion fish soup]

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Recipe: Potato and Tomato Onion Fish Soup (薯仔蕃茄洋蔥魚湯)
Recipe type: Soup
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 8
  • 1 large cod fish head or fish tail (about 1.5 lbs)
  • ½ lb of lean pork meat
  • 2 giant russet potatoes (or 3 medium potatoes)
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 4 slices of ginger
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2.5 tbsp oil (canola or peanut oil is better)
  • 10 cups of water
  1. Pan fry the fish head in 2.5 tbsp of canola oil over medium-low heat until golden brown.
  2. While the fish is frying, cut the pork to 1-inch cubes and blanch in a small pot of water. Set aside when done.
  3. When the fish turns golden brown, transfer it to a plate lined with paper towels to soak up some oil.
  4. Boil 10 cups of water in large pot. Meanwhile, wash and cut the potatoes, tomatoes, and onion. Also, transfer the fried fish in a muslin bag.
  5. When the soup water boils, put all ingredients into the pot and cook on high heat until it boils. Reduce the heat to a Low and simmer for 1.5 hours. When done, add ½ tsp of salt to taste and serve.


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  3 Responses to “Potato and Tomato Onion Fish Soup”

  1. aww this is a good one. i miss chinese recipe so much!

  2. This tasty fish soup is perfect for Thanksgiving weekend. Bought some fish head from the Japanese market that will be perfect for this recipe!

  3. Mmmm this soup looks so warm and comforting! I could use a bowl right now!

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